Note: You will only be scheduled for an interview when and if there is a visa number available for you. Visa number allocations are determined by provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which determines the number of diversity immigrant visas available each year. You will need to be present at the interview, as well as your spouse and children (as applicable) who are applying for a diversity immigrant visa. Print this information to take with you to your interview. The e-mail will instruct you to log into the Entrant Status Check on the Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) website, using your DV entry confirmation number, to view the date, time and location of your interview. Embassy or Consulate you selected on your DS-260 form. After the Kentucky Consular Center has reviewed your completed DS-260, you may receive an e-mail from KCC to let you know that an interview has been scheduled at the U.S.